ESE Syllabus notification is available on UPSC official Website every year is conduct this in relevant stream candidate such as Civil Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Electrical Engineering. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, only this Category student apply every year invited application from, after graduation and specified age limits according to UPSC Notification some Important intrusion to follow before applying on this exam such as post, exam date,age limits, Qualification Criteria, ELIGIBILITY FOR THE EXAMINATION, etc.
Important Instruction during the period of extermination ID prof, subject idea on previous year paper also fellow before start the preparation
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Examination Based on two Stage & Full details information below on table:
Application Fees | Rs 200/- |
Eligibility condition (Nationality) | Indian citizen,a subject of Nepal, or a subject of Bhutan |
Age limits | 21-32 year |
Minimum Educational Qualification: | Graduation degree on relevant University |
Examination pattern | Stage‐I(Preliminary/Stage‐I) Examination :‐500 marks Stage‐II(Main/Stage‐II) Examination:‐ 600 marks Stage‐III(Personality Test)- 200 marks |
Apply stream | Civil Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Electrical Engineering.Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Negative Marking | (0.25) only objective type Question |
ESE Syllabus Details Information
A. Stage‐I(Preliminary/Stage‐I) Examination :‐
The Examination shall comprise of two papers
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Category‐I Civil Engineering Paper‐I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) Paper‐II (Civil Engineering) | 2 hr 3 hr | 200 300 |
Total | 500 marks | |
Category‐II Mechanical Engineering Paper‐I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) Paper‐II (Mechanical Engineering) | 2 hr 3 hr | 200 300 |
Total | 500 Marks | |
Category‐III Electrical Engineering Paper‐I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) Paper‐II (Electrical Engineering) | 2 hr 3 hr | 200 300 |
Total | 500 Marks | |
Category‐IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Paper‐I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) Paper‐II (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) | 2 hr 3 hr | 200 300 |
Total | 500 Marks |
B. Stage‐II(Main/Stage‐II) Examination:‐
The Examination shall comprise of two papers.
Subject | Duration | Marks |
Category‐I Civil Engineering Paper‐I ( Civil Engineering) Paper‐II (Civil Engineering) | 3 hrs. each paper | 300 marks each paper |
Total | 600 marks | |
Category‐II Mechanical Engineering Paper‐I ( Mechanical Engineering ) Paper‐II ( Mechanical Engineering ) | 3 hrs. each paper | 300 marks each paper |
Total | 600 marks | |
Category‐III Electrical Engineering Paper‐I ( Electrical Engineering ) Paper‐II ( Electrical Engineering ) | 3 hrs. each paper | 300 marks each paper |
Total | 600 marks | |
Category‐IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Paper‐I ( Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering `) Paper‐II ( Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering `) | 3 hrs. each paper | 300 marks each paper |
Total | 600 marks |
Standard Syllabus on Section-I paper
- The standard of paper in General Studies and Engineering Aptitude (Preliminary Stage‐I Examination).
- Current issues of national and international importance relating to social, economic and industrial development
- Engineering Aptitude covering Logical reasoning and Analytical ability 3. Engineering Mathematics and Numerical Analysis.
- General Principles of Design, Drawing, Importance of Safety.
- Standards and Quality practices in production, construction, maintenance and services
- Basics of Energy and Environment: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, Climate Change, Environmental impact assessment.
- Basics of Project Management.
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based tools and their applications in Engineering such as networking,e‐governance and technology based education.
- Ethics and values in Engineering profession.
PAPER – I | PAPER – II | |
Civil Engineering | Building Materials, Solid Mechanics,Structural Analysis, Design of Steel Structures, Design of Concrete and Masonry structures, Construction Practice, Planning and Management | Flow of Fluids, Hydraulic Machines and Hydro Power,Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering,Environmental Engineering, Geo‐technical Engineering and Foundation Engineering,Surveying and Geology,Transportation Engineering |
Electrical Engineering | Engineering Mathematics,Electrical Materials,. Electric Circuits and Fields,Electrical and Electronic Measurements,. Computer Fundamentals,Basic Electronics Engineering | Analog and Digital Electronics,Systems and Signal Processing,Control Systems,Electrical Machine,Power Systems,Power Electronics and Drives |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | Basic Electronics Engineering,Basic Electrical Engineering,Materials Science,Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation,Network Theory, Analog and Digital Circuits, | Analog and Digital Communication Systems,Control Systems, Computer Organization and Architecture,Elector Magnetic, Advanced Electronics Topics,. Advanced Communication Topics |
Mechanical Engineering | Fluid Mechanics,Thermodynamics and Heat transfer,C Engines, Refrigeration and Air conditioning,Turbo Machinery, Power Plant Engineering, Renewable Sources of Energy, | Engineering Mechanic,Engineering Material,Mechanisms and Machines,Design of Machine Elements,Manufacturing ,Industrial and Maintenance Engineering,Mechatronics and Robotics |
Answer Sheet Particulars
- Write in black ball pen your Center and subject followed by Test Booklet series (in bracket), subject code and roll number at the appropriate space provided on the Answer Sheet at the top. Also encode your booklet series (A, B, C or D as the case may be), subject code and roll number with black ball pen in the circles provided for the purpose in the Answer Sheet. T
- The “OBJECTIVE TYPE” of examination, you do not write the answers. written based paper not computer-based test do all instruction Carefully.