Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY)
KVPY syllabus-The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is a prestigious national level fellowship program started by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India in 1999. It is run by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bangalore. The examination is usually conducted in the month of November every year. For 2020-21, the KVPY examination will be conducted on 31st January 2021. KVPY syllabus is almost similar to that of the syllabus from class X/XII/1st year of B.S./ B.Sc./B.Math./B.Stat./M.S./Int. M.Sc. The examination is conducted in 3 different streams namely SA, SX and SB. Each stream includes questions from Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
KVPY Syllabus – Examination Pattern :
How many questions does a student have to answer in the examination? What is the time duration allocated for the examination? Is there any negative marking applicable? How many marks does each question carry? The answers to all these questions have been highlighted in this section. The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) examination is divided into three different categories. Based on the syllabus of class X/XII/1st year of B.S./ B.Sc./B.Math./B.Stat./M.S./Int. M.Sc., the examination is conducted through online mode. It is a multiple-choice questions (MCQs) type examination that can be attempted in two languages i.e. Hindi and English. The question paper is divided into two parts which are further sub-divided into 4 sections namely Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics.
In part 1 of the paper of all streams, one mark is awarded for each correct answer and 0.25 marks are deducted for every incorrect answer given by the applicant. Whereas, in part 2, two marks are awarded for each correct response and 0.5 marks are deducted for every wrong answer. There are about 80 questions in the SA stream and 160 questions in the SB/SX stream.
KVPY Syllabus – Detailed Examination Pattern
Subjects | No. of Questions | ||
Part I | Part II | Total Marks | |
Physics | 20 | 10 | (20 x 1) + (10 x 2) = 40 |
Chemistry | 20 | 10 | (20 x 1) + (10 x 2) = 40 |
Mathematics | 20 | 10 | (20 x 1) + (10 x 2) = 40 |
Biology | 20 | 10 | (20 x 1) + (10 x 2) = 40 |
KVPY Syllabus – Fellowship information
The students qualifying the KVPY aptitude test and interview are eligible for the fellowship which aims to encourage the students to pursue an education in the science stream and motivate them to take up research in the subjects related to basic sciences. Each and every selected KVPY fellow is provided with an identity card so as to have the benefit of accessing national laboratories/ universities who have agreed to extend special privileges like the library, laboratory facilities, etc. to KVPY Fellows on producing the ID card. The scheme provides a monthly fellowship and an annual contingency grant to the selected fellows as well. The details of the fellowship given to students are mentioned in the table below.
Detailed KVPY Fellowship Information
Basic Sciences | Monthly Fellowship | Annual Contingency Grant |
SA/SX/SB- during 1st-3rd years of B.SC./B.S./ B. Stat./ B. Math/ Integrated M. Sc./ M.S. | INR 5,000 | INR 20,000 |
SA/SX/SB- During M. Sc./ 4th-5th years of Integrated M. Sc./ M.S./ M. Math/ M. Stat | INR 7,000 | INR 28,000 |
KVPY Exam Syllabus – SA Stream
All the students studying in the 11th standard are eligible for the SA stream of the KVPY examination. The KVPY syllabus for the SA stream has been mentioned in the table below:
KVPY Exam Syllabus for Stream SA
Physics | |
1. | Electromagnetic induction |
2. | Kinematics |
3. | Refraction |
4. | Current Electricity |
5. | Thermodynamics |
6. | Gravitation |
7. | Laws of Motion |
8. | Electromagnetic induction and Alternating current |
9. | Physical world and Measurement |
10. | Electrostatics |
11. | Magnetic effects of current |
12. | Work, energy and power |
13. | Sources of energy |
14. | Reflection of light |
Chemistry | |
1. | Carbon compounds |
2. | Gases and liquids |
3. | Chemical reactions |
4. | Periodic classification of elements |
5. | Bases and salts |
6. | Basic concepts of chemistry |
7. | States of matter |
8. | Acids |
9. | Metals and non-metals |
10. | Environmental chemistry |
11. | Thermodynamics |
12. | Classification of elements and periodicity in properties |
Biology | |
1. | Reproduction |
2. | Life Processes |
3. | Cell: structure and function, Human Physiology |
4. | Heredity and Evolution |
5. | Plant physiology |
6. | Diversity of living organisms |
7. | Our environment |
8. | Control and coordination in Animals and Plants |
Mathematics | |
1. | Relations and functions |
2. | Calculus |
3. | Coordinate geometry |
4. | Mathematical reasoning |
5. | Real number |
6. | Polynomials |
7. | Introduction to trigonometry |
8. | Linear programming |
9. | Vectors and 3-D geometry |
10. | Geometry |
11. | Trigonometric functions |
12. | Statistics and probability |
13. | Probability |
14. | Quadratic equations |
15. | Statistics |
16. | Surface areas and volumes |
17. | Polynomials |
18. | Real numbers |
Note: There is no official syllabus offered by IISc. The topics mentioned above are based on experts’ inputs and paper pattern of past years.
KVPY Exam Syllabus – SX Stream
Likewise, all the students studying in the 12th standard are eligible for the SX stream of the KVPY. The KVPY syllabus for the SX stream is as follow:
KVPY Syllabus for stream SX
Physics | |
1. | Physical world and Measurement |
2. | Refraction |
3. | Gravitation |
4. | Thermodynamics |
5. | Electromagnetic induction |
6. | Kinematics |
7. | Reflection of light |
8. | Electromagnetic induction and alternating current |
9. | Current electricity |
10. | Work, energy and power |
11. | Laws of motion |
12. | Magnetic effects of current |
13. | Electrostatics |
14. | Sources of energy |
Chemistry | |
1. | Classification of elements and Periodicity in properties |
2. | States of matter: Gases and Liquids |
3. | Chemical kinetics |
4. | Isolation of elements |
5. | Chemical reactions |
6. | Thermodynamics |
7. | Surface chemistry |
8. | Periodic classification of elements |
9. | Carbon and compounds |
10. | Metals and non-metals |
11. | Environmental chemistry |
12. | Solid state |
13. | Electrochemistry |
14. | Basic concepts of chemistry |
Biology | |
1. | Diversity of living organisms |
2. | Life processes |
3. | Genetics and evolution |
4. | Cell- structure and function |
5. | Plant physiology |
6. | Reproduction |
7. | Human physiology |
8. | Biology and human welfare |
9. | Control and coordination in animals and plants |
10. | Ecology and environment |
Mathematics | |
1. | Vectors and 3D geometry |
2. | Real numbers |
3. | Linear programming |
4. | Relations and functions |
5. | Introduction to trigonometry |
6. | Quadratic equations |
7. | Coordinate geometry |
8. | Surface areas and volumes |
9. | Probability |
10. | Trigonometric functions |
11. | Geometry |
12. | Calculus |
13. | Mathematical reasoning |
14. | Statistics and probability |
15. | Polynomials |
KVPY Exam Syllabus – SB Stream
Eventually, the last division of the KVPY examination is the SB stream which is meant for the students in the 1st year of B.S./ B.Sc./B.Math./B.Stat./M.S./Int. M.Sc. The KVPY syllabus for the SB stream has been mentioned in the detailed form below:
KVPY Syllabus for stream SB
Physics | |
1. | Waves and optics |
2. | Electrostatics |
3. | Laws of motion |
4. | Electromagnetic induction and alternating current |
5. | Electromagnetic induction |
6. | Thermal Physics |
7. | Sources of energy |
8. | Refraction |
9. | Magnetic effects of current |
10. | Reflection |
11. | Thermodynamics |
12. | Electricity and Magnetism, Electrostatics |
13. | Current electricity |
14. | Physical world and measurement |
15. | Applications in daily life |
16. | Work, energy and power |
17. | Kinematics |
18. | Gravitation |
Chemistry | |
1. | Gases and liquids |
2. | Acids |
3. | Classification of elements and periodicity in properties |
4. | Bases and salts |
5. | States of matter |
6. | Isolation of elements |
7. | Chemistry of noble gases |
8. | Basic concepts of chemistry |
9. | Cycloalkanes |
10. | Dienes and alkynes |
11. | Environmental chemistry |
12. | Carbon compounds |
13. | Chemical bonding |
14. | Thermodynamics |
15. | Structure and bonding |
16. | Solid state |
17. | Metals and non-metals |
18. | Periodic classification of elements |
19. | Chemical reactions |
20. | Chemical kinetics |
21. | Alkenes |
22. | Electrochemistry |
Biology | |
1. | Control and coordination in animals and plants |
2. | Diversity of living organisms |
3. | Biology and human welfare |
4. | Biotechnology |
5. | Genetics |
6. | Our environment |
7. | Genetics and evolution |
8. | Life processes |
9. | Ecology and environment |
10. | Plant physiology |
11. | Human physiology |
12. | Cell: structure and function |
13. | Reproduction |
Mathematics | |
1. | Statistics and probability |
2. | Real number |
3. | Vector algebra |
4. | Probability |
5. | Mathematical reasoning |
6. | Linear programming |
7. | Coordinate geometry |
8. | Geometry |
9. | Analytical geometry in two dimensions |
10. | Trigonometric functions |
11. | Surface areas and volumes |
12. | Evaluation of integrals |
13. | Quadratic equations |
14. | Calculus |
15. | Polynomials |
16. | Statistics |
17. | Relations and functions |
18. | Vectors and 3D geometry |
KVPY Exam Syllabus – Fellowship Renewal
In order to continue the fellowship in subsequent years, the candidates have to maintain a certain level of marks or the first class. They also have to pass every subject prescribed in that particular academic year. The Dean or the Head of the institution is responsible for certifying the marks/grades of the applicants. The fellowship will be discontinued if the applicant does not score 60% marks in aggregate (50% for SC/ST/PWD) or equivalent grade points. The students are eligible to receive the KVPY fellowship up to pre- PhD level or 5 years whichever is earlier only if they score the marks prescribed. The students who opt out of basic science at any stage will forfeit the fellowship as well as the contingency grant.
KVPY Exam Solved paper – SX-SB Stream
KVPY Exam Solved paper – SA Stream